A revolution
on the horizon!
The first completely decentralized and transparent business model in the travel market. Sunset brings the innovation the market wants and desperately needs. It is the future of sustainable tourism. A revolution in the way you travel is about to begin!
ICO Starts in
Token ICO will start soon
$0 contribution received
Why choosing Sunset?
Decentralization, security, transparency, efficiency, accuracy and accessibility. All of the advantages of blockchain with no transaction fees associated!

Our mission is to develop the first functional DAO in the travel market, in which, travelers and travel-related product and service providers trade between each other in a platform powered by blockchain technology. By developing a dApp in the travel market we can achieve the creation of a transparent business model, thus, enhance trust amongst all the relevant stakeholders. In the process of development is our commitment to raise awareness about sustainability issues and promote sustainable tourism practices amongst consumers and suppliers alike.


Join us

Support the project, trade and hold SNS, get exclusive rewards, be part of something magnificent

Booking Online

In the upcoming booking platform you’ll be able to choose where you go, where you stay, how you travel, what adventures await you and more, all automatically matched by Sunset

The future
of tourism

Sunset is an industry disruptor – a revolutionary business model fully powered by blockchain technology  
Sunset Token
Token Features and Utility

and accuracy

and security
No transaction
Upcoming Development
Upcoming development to the project include a Sunset Wallet, a Sunset dApp, a Sunset NFT Marketplace, a Sunset DeFi platform and so much more content. If you’re asking yourself what all of this has to do with travel, you definitely have to stick around…

Early investors will benefit from discounts at the moment of buying the Sunset token in the upcoming ICO!

Smart Contract Network: Binance Smart Chain
Contract Address: 
Token Type: BEP-20
Token Name: Sunset
Token Symbol: SNS
Initial Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000 SNS
Initial Coin Offering: ICO details coming soon! 
1 BNB = 50,000,000 SNS
Token Distribution
40% Sale Events
25% Liquidity
20% Ecosystem
12.5% Insiders
2.5% Community
Funds Allocation
45% R&D
25% Op. & Admin.
12.5% Marketing
10% Reserve
7.5% Financial, Legal, HR
Our Strategy and Project Plan

Phase 1

Create website and webmail domains | Create social media | Publish Sunset Whitepaper v1.0

Phase 2

Marketing | Create Sale Events | Create liquidity in PancakeSwap

Phase 3

Apply for listing at CoinMarketCap/CoinGecko | Marketing | Expand team

Phase 4

Apply for CEX listing | Create liquidity in more DEX | Development of the Sunset Wallet

Phase 5

First partnership(s) | Development of the Sunset Booking Platform | Marketing

Phase 6

Expand team and partnerships | Development of the Sunset NFT Platform | Sunset DeFi Platform

Phase 7

Marketing | Sunset Blockchain Network and more…

  • Phase 2 Marketing | Create Sale Events | Create liquidity in PancakeSwap
  • Phase 4 Apply for CEX listing | Create liquidity in more DEX | Development of the Sunset Wallet
  • Phase 6 Expand team and partnerships | Development of the Sunset NFT Platform | Sunset DeFi Platform
  • Phase 1 Create website and webmail domains | Create social media | Publish Sunset Whitepaper v1.0
  • Phase 3 Apply for listing at CoinMarketCap/CoinGecko | Marketing | Expand team
  • Phase 5 First partnership(s) | Development of the Sunset dApp | Marketing
  • Phase 7 Marketing | Sunset Blockchain Network and more…

Volume 24H

Token Holders

Circulating Supply
Our Team
Meet the creative minds behind the Sunset project
Untitled design (7)
Gazment Alushaj

Founder and CEO at Sunset

Untitled design (6)
Ana Alves

Co-founder and COO at Sunset

Our Advisors
As our main focus and priority is to guarantee the project success we appreciate each and all of the valuable advice, constructive criticism or suggestions that can be used to improve furthermore Sunset. 
Partners & Supporters
We Collaborate Only With The Best
Coming Soon!
Trust  Wallet

Trust Wallet is the best ethereum wallet and cryptocurrency wallet to store your favourite BEP2, ERC20 and ERC721.


 Metamask is a crypto wallet- it allows you to store and transact Ethereum or any other Ethereum-based (ERC- 20) .

Live chart

All Sunset related documentation can be find here:

  • Whitepaper
  • CertiK – Coming soon!
  • TechRate Audit
Frequently Asked Questions

Sunset is an ambitious project that proposes an innovative and disruptive business model in the online travel agency’s market using blockchain technology as a tool to solve underlying transparency problems and ultimately benefiting all relevant stakeholders: the visitors, the tourism industry, the host communities and the environment itself.

SNS is our native cryptocurrency and the core of Sunset ecosystem. It is a BEP-20 token minted from the BSC blockchain network under the smart contract address 0x052d4baf7f9df803baea33ffce4b5cbc013a9d2b. It has an initial total supply of 1 trillion tokens but buyback and burn mechanisms are scheduled to reduce the  supply until only 100 billion tokens remain. Consequently, by increasing scarcity the value of each token is expected to increase overtime.

SNS is designed to be actively used. To achieve an increasingly circulating supply we eliminated the transaction fee associated with trading (buying and selling) the token. Yes, you’ve read it right, no transaction fees! Nevertheless, we recommend you to hold some tokens, since with the upcoming developments to the project, you’ll be able to access a plethora of exclusive rewards by simply holding SNS, which ultimately will increase your purchasing power. Also, both using and/or holding SNS will empower you with the ability to positively impact host communities and the environment, thus, promoting sustainable tourism, when you travel around the world. All of these and much more upcoming features associated to SNS are on the horizon, so… what are you waiting for?

You will have the opportunity to buy SNS at a discount in the upcoming ICO, details about it will be soon available in Sunset website and social media channels. If you miss the ICO, don’t worry, you’ll be able to buy SNS in PancakeSwap.

If you wish to support the project development you can do it by sending your BNB or BUSD contribution to one of the following wallet addresses:

  • Trust Wallet (BNB Address)
    • bnb18yaur0qzzxd8hsv3kj66mt4q3sch35pn7z9psm
  • MetaMask (BSC Address)
    • 0xE6B67cE7DD2B33A83B87Aac912F1974fDF102355
In the News
Media About Us
Booking online

An online booking system is a software solution that allows potential guests to self-book and pay through your website, and…

What is NFT

An NFT is a digital asset that represents real-world objects like art, music, in-game items and videos. They are bought…

What is smart contract

Smart contracts work by following simple “if/when…then…” statements that are written into code on a blockchain. A network of computers…

What is DeFi

Cryptocurrencies have exploded into a trillion-dollar industry today, sparking a wave of worldwide financial disruption. At the heart of cryptocurrencies is a…

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